Meet alora and aidan

In August of 2023, Alora and Aidan moved down to Naples, FL, to start law school at Ave Maria. As they were both getting settled in, they decided to go to a rosary group, probably not expecting to meet each other. Clearly, Our Lady had different plans as the two met and started dating shortly afterwards. It didn't take long for these two to fall in love, meet each others' families, and talk about Marriage and their future. When two people share a deep desire to love and serve the Lord in their respective Vocations, discernment can seem easy.

After getting engaged, Alora and Aidan reached out to us about capturing their Latin Mass wedding, and we were so excited! We love when we get the chance to capture weddings in the Traditional Latin Rite—The way the Liturgy is celebrated naturally leads your heart, mind, and body to heaven! They got married at Christ the King Catholic Church in Sarasota, FL, which is an Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Check out more details of their day below!

getting ready

Alora and Aidan opted to skip getting ready time with their 8-hour package, so we met at the church at 12:00PM. We had an hour before the wedding began, so Jack and I captured some shots of the church and details. The bride and groom wanted to prioritize prayer before the wedding by praying a rosary together. We started outside, but it was super hot, so we moved inside near the front of the church in front of Jesus Himself. As guests began entering, they got to see the couple praying together before becoming one flesh. Talk about a beautiful witness! While it may not have been ideal that guests saw the bride and groom before the wedding, we think the Lord ordained it so that this couple could be an example for all present of a marriage rooted in prayer and surrender to Our Lord and Our Lady. This was one of our favorite parts of the day!


The Marriage Rite began at 1PM, followed by Holy Mass. In the Traditional Rite, the marriage actually happens right away before the Mass so that the Liturgy is not interrupted or changed at all. The couple gets married right away and then enters into the highest form of prayer through the Mass and receives Our Lord in the Eucharist together!!! Talk about starting your marriage off right!

group photos

Right after the Mass, we took all of the family portraits in the church, followed by some couple portraits, and then we headed to Phillippi Estate Park across the street for full bridal party photos. The sun was a little tricky for group photos (it was really bright and direct sunlight), so we looked for areas of shade under trees to get the best lighting for these big group photos!

Couple portraits

We took a few photos at the church that the couple wanted before heading to Philippi Estate Park for the majority of the portrait session. If time permits, we always try to snag some portraits in and around the church before we move outside as these are usually some of our favorites! We think that these church photos can really capture the Christ-centered love of our couples, which they can then display in their homes and cherish forever!

Once we finished bridal party photos at the park, we had about 30 minutes for couple portraits, which gave us just enough time to get the majority of the portraits captured before heading to the reception. Aidan realized that one of his groomsmen didn't give him the car keys, so we got to be their chauffeurs to the reception! What an honor! :)

party time!!

Alora and Aidan's reception took place at Stoneybrook Golf and Country Club in Sarasota. The party got going around 5PM with entrances, first dances, and a photo relay (the couple had the challenge of taking a photo with every table before the song was over)! Talk about getting a good sweat! :) Next was dinner, cake cutting, and open dance floor! Both Alora and Aidan's families made themselves known on the dance floor and didn't hold back. All of the kids in attendance were also putting on a show! We left the party at 8PM before the end of the reception, but we enjoyed every minute with these fun families.

many thanks!

We want to thank Alora, Aidan, and their families for being such a joyful, holy witness to Christ-centered love and marriage. It was so refreshing and fun capturing their day! We pray for a holy and happy marriage that points to heaven for these two!

A special thank you to all of the vendors of their day as well!
